A Full Review Of The Dave Portnoy Vs. Steve Cohen Twitter Tussle And Reminiscing About Metsblog With Matthew Cerrone

We had ourselves quite a day yesterday on We Gotta Believe. First off, we finally got our man! From day 1 of starting this podcast one of our goals was to pick the brain of the man that started it all, Matt Cerrone, and he didn't disappoint. For the uninitiated, Cerrone was the OG Mets blogger. Long before the days of Twitter and websites giving a voice to the common man, Cerrone was grinding away covering the Amazin's in a way that fans could appreciate. He didn't sugar coat it, he reacted like we reacted and he was damn good at his job. We talked about the beginning days of MetsBlog, being acquired by SNY, working for the Wilpons and Mets' misery in general. An inside look from a guy who had worked both sides of the fence. Really interesting guy that wasn't afraid to let it fly! No Wilpon shills here, we got down to the behind-the-scenes dealings of the team, the wildest things he encountered on the job and what he's most excited about with the new regime. 

After recording the interview, ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE on Twitter. Uncle Stevie was somehow wrapped up in the GameStop saga on Wall Street (seemingly unjustly) and our worlds collided as Steve Cohen and Dave Portnoy go into it on Twitter. KFC KNEW that Stevie being on Twitter was a bad idea, but never in his worst of nightmares would he have thought that Cohen would be going back and forth with Mr. Pageviews himself. A perfect storm of circumstance, but thankfully he held his own and walked out of the arena with the head held high. You don't get the show 'Billions' made about you by walking into a firing squad so we gotta believe that he knew what he was doing, but BOY was it touch-and-go there for a minute. Good thing we have a new motto: Chill Out.

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